Sweet Darling |
SW1 |
The bouquet is made by local florist, so the wrapping and the accessories vary depending on availability.
But the quality and quantity will be the same as photo.
12 Red Roses Hand Bouquet
baby´s breath(or seasonal fillers)
EUR 110.00 => USD 120.43
EUR 15.00 => USD 16.42
EUR 125.00 => USD 136.85
(according to daily exchange rate)
| ( Exchange Rate of Previous Day:EUR 1 = USD 1.0948) |
Credit card payments are all in Taiwan dollars:TWD 4521 |
※Preorder 3 days※
※VAT is excluded.
※If the order needs extra fee for distant delivery, our staff will inform the customer in 3 days.
※Because the flowers will be arranged by the local flower designer, the flower's packing (wrapping paper/ribbon/flower basket/skill etc.) may be slightly different, but the design style will be similar to the picture and flower quantity & quality will meet the spec.