Pretty lady |
Q105 |
The prices for delivery to various regions in Germany are different. The current website price is the basic price. If you need to deliver to other regions in Germany, please contact customer service to provide the detailed address and confirm the price before placing an order. |
Red roses, pink lilies seasonal flowers and leaves
Vase (the style is subject to shipment)
USD 70.40
USD 21.01
USD 91.41
(according to daily exchange rate)
| ( Exchange Rate of Previous Day: 1 = USD 0.0000) |
Credit card payments are all in Taiwan dollars:TWD 3078 |
※Preorder 3 days※
※VAT is excluded.
※If the order needs extra fee for distant delivery, our staff will inform the customer in 3 days.
※Because the flowers will be arranged by the local flower designer, the flower's packing (wrapping paper/ribbon/flower basket/skill etc.) may be slightly different, but the design style will be similar to the picture and flower quantity & quality will meet the spec.